It was Wellington vs Napoleon all over again, only this time, I didn't need the Prussian's help. The magnitude of the struggle was matched only by its poignancy, history not reflected by my actions but recast to my liking. My final victory, the last of what had been hundreds of battles over the past few weeks, was even given the tribute of an epilogue, a French resistance springing up so violently it took several turns to crush. CA's latest replica Movado 064986 WoMen's watch Total War games may have been buggy, but they can sure tell a ripping yarn.The Treble (FIFA 11): I play FIFA. A lot. I also watch unhealthy amounts of football and love Aston Villa a little too much, so when you combine all of the above in a game that not only lets me take control of Villa but make myself its star striker, I'm bound to get a little obsessive.
So it was a few weeks back when, in my third season in charge of the midlands club - and having made the astute purchases of Theo Walcott, Gareth Bale and Javier Saviola - great things were on the boil. I was leading the title race. I was still in the FA Cup. And I was still in the hunt for the Champions League Champion's Cup. So I set replica Movado 0605355 WoMen's watch myself a goal: win all three. I don't normally do this kind of thing, as I play games for escapism, not competition, but there was something about FIFA 11's revamped career mode that made the challenge (and days upon days spent in menu screens) irresistible. Needless to say I won all three, an act which actually had me fist-pumping in my living room to the bemusement of my wife.
If that's the kind of reaction a little competition can provoke, maybe I should compete a little more often...A Game Dev Story Holiday (Game Dev Story): This New Year's past, I went to the beach with some friends. I had planned on a few days spent drinking beers all night and swimming all day, but I made the mistake of re-installing cult replica Movado 0604804 WoMen's watch iPhone title Game Dev Story before I left. Torn between relaxing on the beach and putting out smash hit video games, I tried to juggle both, even going so far as to pretend to be sending congratulatory new year's text messages when I was actually having my game studio's name broadcast on the moon.