
So don't be surprised when you see the following recollections dredged up by video game fear-mongering types

So don't be surprised when you see the following recollections dredged up by video game fear-mongering types.(We've already had one opportunistic unemployed lawyer focus on this one aspect of Loughner's life, shockingly.)According to a Wall replica Movado 0605762 WoMen's watch Street Journal report, “All [Loughner] did was play video games and play music,” according to high school friend Tommy Marriotti. And by way of The Arizona Republic, the suspected murderer was a “big video gamer,” or so says Pima Community College student Chris Walker.

Other rumored and reported interests of Loughner's include heavy metal and classic rock music, playing the saxophone, graffiti, drugs, sitting in unlocked cars, blurting out apocalyptic non sequitur during algebra classes and reading books like Animal Farm, Brave New World, Peter Pan, Mein Kampf and Siddhartha. Loughner also stands accused of maybe liking Drowning Pool.But, yeah, video games. Crazy people like them too.Loughner replica Movado 0605645 WoMen's watch disruptive, talked of death, former classmates say [AZ Central]”Even if you've never played Super PSTW Action RPG - and it's a good bet many of you haven't - you should still watch this review of the flash game. And yes, I said watch, not read.

Newgrounds user RicePirate has compiled a typographical video - complete with astounding voice work - bringing a “review” of the game to life, and while it was written for one specific game, it's not hard pretending it was written on the internet about any other game ever made.[Dot Dot Dot Newgrounds]”I had many fond memories playing my way through 2010, but none were as fond as these.In no particular order or replica Movado 0604459 WoMen's watch preference, below you'll find my favourite gaming moments from 2010. Some make the list because of their entertainment value, others the satisfaction I derived from getting there, while others still are here because, in some way or another, they put a bigger smile on my face than anything else from the year could manage.